11-05, Saturday -- There are a gozillian fishing boats in the Marina. There is a Million Dollar fishing contest going on this weekend. Noisy affair! Especially early in the morning and when they get back.
I spent the morning up in the Baja Cantina working on the blog, uploading pictures. Dick went off to scope out the grocery market in town. He came back with the location of the market and he also found out that the Marina has a fluff and fold laundry service for $6 per load (cheaper than doing it yourself). So, I gave Dick the computer in the late morning (lucky me – D) and went and organized a laundry run.
About mid-day, Alex, Charles, Patrick and I went off to get a pedicure :--) We wandered the streets and side-streets until we found a place we were willing to pay the price ($20 US dollars/per person). They told us to come back in 15-20 minutes, so we went to this excellent restaurant called “Panchos” and had cervezas. They had a HUGE collection of Tequilas (575 per their menu I read the next day – D) there and the bartender was more than happy to explain the history of them all (quite interesting). Alex & I bought perfect straw hats for ourselves. I’m very happy because I will definitely need it from here on out!
We got our pedicures done (2 at a time). They were okay, but not as good as “home”. At least I got a new “paint job”. This was Patrick’s first pedicure and he loved it. I recommended my pedicure place in Alameda for when he goes home.
Tonight was the last official event for the “Ha-Ha”, the awards ceremony. This was quite fun. Every boat got an award and there were lots of fun “joke” awards. As a matter of fact, I won our boat the “snoring award”. I had to get up and imitate the snorer on our boat. I imitated Patrick and won the award for the best snorer in the fleet. Journey took 3rd place in our division. The 1st and 2nd place boats sailed either a full leg or all of the legs of the trip.
We didn’t realize there would be no food at the event, so we had to go to dinner afterwards. Because we had seen “Panchos” that day, we went back there for dinner with everyone! It was terrific!! Run by an American fellow from Fremont, CA, who came down here and never went back. Food was awesome and the service was great. The prices were excellent too. There is a place across the street we want to try at some point, called “Crazy Lobster”. Prices great and food sounds great.
We had to say goodbye to Charlie & Alex as they are leaving in the morning!! What a great time and many thanks to them for their contribution to the work and the fun on the trip. We will miss them :--) XOXOXOOX
Dick, Patrick & I headed for the “Cabo Wabo” club! (Sammy Hagar’s famous club.) Couldn’t leave Cabo without checking that out. Reminded me of the old “DV8” club in San Francisco!! Oh to be 20 years younger :--) Lots of young folks having a great time to a pretty good “cover” band and a great music mixologist. (The oldster’s did get in a couple of dances and for some unknown reason two sweet young things wanted their picture taken with me :--) - D)
11-06, Sunday – I went up to the Cantina EARLY in the morning to work again on the blog before people get there and get on the internet connection. The staff at the Baja Cantina have been terrific and so friendly and accommodating to all us “Ha-Ha” folks. Dick & Patrick went to “Panchos” for breakfast. The 49er game came on at 10:00 am right there in front of me!! YaaaaaaaaaaaY!
Dick & Patrick came back, then I had to give up the computer to Dick. Went and picked up the laundry during half time and came back to watch the end of the game.
Nice quiet relaxing day…. Dick & I went to the market to pick up a FEW things we needed like bread, yogurt, butter, lettuce and eggs; a bunch of perishable items. Other than that, all provisions are holding up well.
As I was relaxing in the cockpit I watched the parade of Sunset Party Catamarans, blaring music, heading out to the bay.
The three of us went to dinner at that “Crazy Lobster” with another skipper, Mark, from another boat in the "fleet", "Folie Douce". We had a great time swapping stories and eating steak & lobster for $15.00 US a plate! I had three lobster enchiladas for $10.00. Excellent!
11-07, Monday – I went up early again to the Cantina to finish the blog through the 4th. Got it all done and posted by 9:30, I think. Close enough! (I spent the time doing another trip up the mast, with Patrick’s help, still trying to resolve the chaffing problem on the spinnaker halyard. Discovered some additional damage on the sail track, probably from our Pt. Sur adventure, and did temporary fixes. – D) Patrick is leaving today. So, he was getting himself all packed and ready to go. He wanted me to take a picture of him by all the big yachts around us, so see the pics of him with his bags by the big yachts :--). We saw him off at the lobby of the Wyndam, where the shuttle was picking him up for the airport. We will miss him too! Many thanks to you Patrick for all your contributions to the work and fun of the trip! XOXOXOX
Dick & I prepared to leave Cabo that afternoon at 2:00. We took on one tank (of three 100 gallon tanks) of fuel there for good measure and headed off for the anchorage area just off the resorts on the east end of the beaches. Picked a lovely spot to anchor at the far northeast end. Beautiful night, but noisy, even out there! Party boats, resorts discos, blah blah blaaaa :--) Anyway, it was nice to be out of the marina back on a hook. It is now just Dick & I……
The winds & swell picked up in the evening, so neither of us got a very good night’s sleep.
11-08, Tuesday— Heading out for San Jose Del Cabo this morning! It should be about a 3-hour trip. As we left the anchorage in Cabo the wind and seas were picking up. It was a pretty rough “beat” up to SJDC! We couldn’t put up any sails because the wind was just off our bow. There got to be 15-16 knots of wind, but no good to us. We also had the current against us keeping us at 4.1-4.8 knots over ground at 1500 RPMs! Yikes!
We ended up making it to SJDC by about noon. There was a long dock of “Ha-Ha” boats on the right, but no room for us, so they put us (once again) with the BIG plastic yachts. Got a nice slip there, but it was a bit more than we really wanted to pay. Oh Well! We were hoping they had an anchorage area, but they did not. Some of our new-found friends from the “fleet” are putting on a dock BBQ this evening. One of the boats has an abundance of fish they caught and are going to cook it up. Everyone else will bring a salad or side dish. NICE!
We’re not sure if we will be leaving tomorrow or not. We’ll see….
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