The infamous cat that so many of you know and love/hate has gone to be with his cat relatives in cat heaven. We firmly believe that he is one of the most privately famous cats around. Many of you have a Tristan story from somewhere along the line. No one has come to our vessel that hasn’t had the Tristan experience. Even those who claim they dislike him have a fondness of some sort for him in their hearts. It has been a difficult time for us as we experience his profound absence in our day to day lives. He meant so very much to us. He was a fierce protector of his boat and his family. Some of you who have spent a lot of time with us on our boat know how sweet he could actually be. And those of you who have only been around him fleetingly know how fierce of a protector he could be. We want to thank you for all the kind words of condolences you have shared with us and the stories too. Please enjoy the limited slide show we have of digital pictures of him and the few stories that some have shared below. They are preceded by the person telling the story.
Dad – I’ve had a hard time trying to reduce the 17 years of Tristan in my life to just a story or two. He came to me as a 5 week old kitten in Sept. 1995. He immediately bonded to me and was known as Daddy’s Boy. He was fiercely protective of his pride (family) and only reluctantly shared with others. As a youth he chased flies, pounced bare feet, fetched little plastic crinkles for you to toss, woke us up many mornings doing laps on deck from the bow to the stern and back over and over again and scared us silly sitting on his perch over the water at the end of the mizzen boom. Tristan was great source of comfort and love for Edress during her fight with cancer seeming to sense her need, spending endless hours snuggling up with her as she rested up from the effects of chemo. He gave the same comfort to me during the grieving time after Edress passed.
When Tami came into his life he found a new best buddy. Someone who came down to his level, literally. She would put heavy socks on her hands get down on her hands and knees and wrestle with him all over the floor of the main salon. He would go on for as long as she could keep it up, never tiring of it. They became the best of friends.
As a much as the boat was his world (one that he shared with us) he was a reluctant sailor usually preferring to find a spot where he could ignore it all but he had an uncanny ability to sense when coming to a dock, even one he had not been to before. About a mile or two before we got there he would be up patrolling the deck and checking where we were. As I said in the beginning, there are way too many stories from a cat as unique as Tristan. He may have passed on to kitty heaven but he will live forever in my memories.
Mom – There are so many, but I think my favorite story, that captures his sensitive side, has to do with his interaction with the only cat he’s ever known. When Dick & I married I brought with me a gray female cat named Gigi. We were so worried about those two interacting, but it turned out that they complemented each other. She calmed him down and he livened her up. He used to pounce towards her to make her jump and she would lumber over to him and make him run. It was quite funny to watch! She wandered down the dock one night and never came home, he wouldn’t eat for days. He was heartbroken to lose her. He was my buddy and I will miss him!
Aunt Yvonne - "So many memories and so many stories we all have to share. Tristan was a cat like no other. I recall spending a night or two on Journey in the side berth and Tristan would stick his head through the "peep" hole above the nav. station in the salon just to see who was in this berth. First time, this made me a bit nervous (if you knew Tristan, you know what I mean). A few times later, I knew he was just a pussy cat doing his "this is my boat & who are you??" duties. I was blessed to have been allowed by Tristan to give him a full body rub during my last visit to Mexico this past April, and to receive two "kisses" from him which was a first. Tristan, you were very special and unique. We will all miss you! xoxo"
Aunt Tina - I have two memories: One getting stuck in the head with an angry Tristan (partly my fault!). Another was when a bunch of us were walking along the dock to the boat and there was Tristan sitting to one side. Everyone made a wide berth around him before boarding as Tristan loved to attack ankles and feet.
Uncle Patrick B - I always thought that cat was so tough he could handle anything. As cats go, he was one of a kind. I learned early on not to mess with him.
Aunt Cynthia H - I guess I wasn't the only one TRISTAN clobbered in the head...>> On my recent times on Journey I was hissed at often, and told to move out the way. He (Tristan) humored *CYN immensely, with his KAT ANTICS. I told Tristan often he was down on the food chain, as to rattle his next thought of attack. But it didn't hinder him at all. Slap Slap he gave me up side my head, and through the PORT HOLE TOO. During my stay I did get a beg or 2 to rub him down, and his nudging along my ankles for a foot rub too was amazing. May Tristan be HAPPY IN KAT HEAVEN.